by Ashton Bond » Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:27 pm
I don't know why you can't download them. Maybe try again? I've just download all three items for the Summer Classic, and it works fine.
As for your unhappiness, there are numerous threads discussing the subject ad-nauseum on this forum since literally February. There IS an early entry discount for mail in entries, just not as much as there is for those that enter on line. There are numerous reasons for this, but it essentially boils down to the fact that we ARE pushing everyone to utilize the online registration system. There was a huge cost associated with the mail-in entries: volunteer burn-out. Early-entry by mail-in forms ends this Friday, 2 weeks previous to the event, same as last event. Online registration closes the 14th, the night before I leave for the track...
If you'd like help utilizing the new system, I am happy to get you set up and running. If you can login and type on a forum, you can use the Series Tracker system. I'm happy to help.
BRS Racing #161