Today was a special day!
Not because its april fools day, but I have managed to get something done right!
Well, the result!
First I wanted to take care of all the loose ends: Alignment of the wheels, coolant circuit testing, bleeding brakes again, tightening the chain just right, shrink wrap my exhaust springs, etc...
I ended up by getting everything done...
Then I looked in the corner, and saw my C12 (5 gallon) and my 747...
A few days ago, (since my tank is still at the painters) I made myself a 1 gallon test tank : drilled two M8 cap screw right in the center, put some washers, one steel, and another other rubber beneath it, on both the inside and outside of the tank, making spigots to attach two fuel hoses...
So, there I am lurking at my C12, and decided, this is the night!
Put the 5 gallon container on my work bench, broke the seal, and all of a sudden, the cap blew up right in my face!
I had a high pressure blast of raciong fuel in my eyes, and face....
I stumbled to the bathroom, and flushed my eyes and face for at least 5 minutes...
There must of been a few gallons of water, all over the place, but I needed to flush the fuel off me!
After that, trying to put the fuel in the small 1 gallon jerry can, prooved to be quite an experience too...
I think fuel, and "in house" do not mix!!!
Next time I will manage to go outside, as I will have my house with a garage in 2 weeks...
Any how, managed all that, and decided to try a different approach to starting the bike:
I have my sons ATV, and thought that it would be the perfect start up roller... Which proves it was!
Jacked up the center with the lift, and added a hydraulic jack in the back, to stabilize the downward force when forcing to start engine...
Guess what:
Here is a video of the first ever start up! (Sorry if my @ss is in the way, but my attention was mostly on the bike... not the camera!

I just can't wait to get my fairings from the painter...
PS: My eyes are still swollen, from the race gas, but it was worth it!!!