This bike was originally bought in 1982 for the purpose of road racing and was never used as a street bike. I bought the bike 5 years ago after it had sat for a number of years . I began the process of a frame up resurrection. I've really enjoyed racing this bike and its very competitive. Here are the details;
Frame has been braced at the L rear upper motor mount and comes with an ownership
Wheels; rear 4" dymag front 2.75" astrolite, 18"
Brakes; cast iron Brembo 12" discs up front with a custom made cast iron rear disc.Calipers up front lockheed and a nissen 2 piston rear from a vfr.
forks 38mm gpz 1100 with racetech springs and gold valve emulators
rear shocks are fox piggyback
520 chain conversion
engine: 1983 GPZ 1100,.380" lift intake 300 degrees duration. stock 1982 GPZ 1100 exhaust cam,shim under buckets,stock domed piston,undercut trani gears,18mm wrist pins,crank has been cut and cases capped to narrow the engine. 120 stock HP. Motor is in excellent condition
carbs;31mm Keihin CR specials
swingarm; boxed aluminum make unknown .
Custom built aluminum triples
steering dampner
Oil cooler ,lockhart
Tires Continental CR race tires 110 front 150 rear
Richard Biggs built the triple trees and the rear disc aswell as cutting and capping the stator side of the crank.
Race ready $10000