This bike has languished in my shed for the past decade or so. I bought it thinking I'd make a VRRA track bike out of it but went in a different direction. It's been in dry but not heated storage since.
Having dragged it out as part of fall cleaning (I needed to get the garden tractor running) I'd rather pass it on rather than put it back, or worse, under a tarp for the winter.
The engine is not seized and the bike is complete except for the left side cover, the clock shows just under 31,000, and the stamped frame number matches the VIN plate. The tires hold air but I would only use them on a dare.
This little gem is sold under a bill of sale only. I may have a key for it but I haven't found it.
The first $300 takes it though I can be swayed by a pretty face or alcohol.
Brock (Hansler) former VRRA racer
photos - email Chris Ness