Sweeping changes to the Vintage Festival by HB Cycle Schedule!
Most notably is the P4VC is moved back to the last race on Saturday, and if all goes well I believe (hope) to be able to squeak our qualifiers under the wire at 4 laps each and (seriously) beg for forgiveness on a bit of over-run Saturday. It was making me sick to see a 3-lap anything... And... If this schedule holds, we may be able to get 6 laps on Sunday too!
Second, the reason for the sweeping changes is there is an inordinate number of early period entries, which is a wonderful problem to have!! So I re-arranged to accommodate those entries, and in order to balance the equation I re-created the Warwick Cup as a complete heat/final pairing it with Pre-65 350, and that combo has 20 entries! Great job this event to our P1 and older periods, serious representation this year!
PLEASE try to accommodate this new schedule in these final 2 days of Pre-Reg, it's a good one!
http://results.seriestracker.com/index. ... t=1&EID=55