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6 piston calipers - 1996 GSXR750

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6 piston calipers - 1996 GSXR750

Postby Brian Stevenson » Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:11 am

I'me very confused, maybe someone could do me a kindness and help me out

The rule book says that 750 GSXR's up to 1998 are allowed - "Suzuki: RG500 all years, GSXR750 to 1998 (SRAD allowed no FI)"

I've also been told that 6 piston calipers and not allowed in P5

However the 1996 GSXR750 came with 6 piston calipers.

So is the bike allowed as it was built, or do I need to go and find a set of forks with 4 piston calipers? I'm very confused

I can post the original sales brochure from Suzuki and the page from the manual as proof. Here is a link to the fiche on Partzilla for the 96 front calipers
Brian Stevenson
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Re: 6 piston calipers - 1996 GSXR750

Postby desmobill » Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:51 pm

The rules say maximum of 2 pairs of opposed piston calipers unless originally equipped. To me it looks like since they were original, they are acceptable. Personally I would install the 4 piston Nissans as they are lighter, cheaper (bandit 1200), less prone to seizure and bolt right on. My 2 cents.
Bill Quail #711
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Re: 6 piston calipers - 1996 GSXR750

Postby Brian Stevenson » Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:22 pm

Thanks Bill. I haters that from a few people at the sho that the 4 pistons actually work better.

Sounds like a plan. I just didn’t want to change the fork or fork bottoms as well
Brian Stevenson
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