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Pupose built rules.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:43 am
by Dewey
Ashton has started a thread re: P4 Open and "turning up the volume". The VRRA ER series currently folows the club rule book for machine eligibility. Where things change, the ER series has only 3 classes, so everything from P1 200's? to P4 F1 has to fit within only three categories.

My idea basically, if your bike falls between XXXX and 1989, no matter what size, shape or colour, the ER series will find you a home.

This accomplishes a couple of things. It allows the club to observe how larger displacement P3/4 stuff mingle with the herd ( for implimintation later to the full rules), it might prompt a build or two, and paramount arounfd costs

so get out there and dust off the Gold Wing and KZ1300 we'll find you a home!


Re: Pupose built rules.....

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:16 am
by jim kots
Switching the ER series to a type of indexed race would allow unrecognized ( large VF's, FJ's, FZ's...) bikes to compete heads up against the regular builds. Even though the bikes could have more HP I think they would need laps on the smaller circuits.