Well, it's time to get back on the fj endurance bike project. We have located a pair of slightly pre-enjoyed Avon racing tires for $100.00, thanks Ray!
The cost for piston rings and a gasket set will cost us well over $300 but we luckily found a lightly used complete motor and a 4/1 exhaust system off a FZ600 (thanks Justin!) for $175 which was an awesome find. The motor has good compression and the valves are perfectly adjusted. Checked the clutch plates, removed the oil pan and all looks perfect. It only has 40,000 Kms and it shows. Just going to clean it up a bit and bolt it back together.
Kevin is cleaning up the frame and painting it so reassembly should start soon. The carbs need some serious help and I foresee 4 carb kits to get them acceptable. Still need to find operational brake calipers or rebuild what we have. Forks need seals and we don't trust the rear shock so looking for replacement. If anybody out there have any parts that could help us out let me know!
Spent to date:
Bike $100
Manual $20
Tires $100
New motor & exhaust $175
Total so far: $395.00.