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? TZ250

Moderator: Michael Vinten

? TZ250

Postby steinke » Fri May 06, 2016 10:21 pm

What would a fair price be for a 91 TZ250? I know it is a unfair question. Bike appears to be in good shape. Has the usual dings and scratches for a race bike not mint. Only a couple spares to come with.
If i am correct the 91 and up is only eligible for gp class where 90 and down would also be eligible for p4?
John Steinke #51
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Re: ? TZ250

Postby Peter Balfour » Sat May 07, 2016 4:46 pm

That's a tough question. The '91 was the first of the v-twins and would run in the trial modern GP medium class. My guess if it was in decent condition it would be worth at least $6,000.00 +. I have no idea what parts are like on this model but they are getting really scarce for the older TZ's. Maybe somebody running in moden GP would have a better idea of the value?
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Re: ? TZ250

Postby steinke » Sun May 08, 2016 7:58 am

Just curious. Do you know how long the trial modern GP class would be considered a trial. I may not want to invest in bike that may not be eligible down the road. Would the decision to keep the class be based on Entry numbers. What kind of numbers was the club getting last year?
John Steinke #51
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Re: ? TZ250

Postby Peter Balfour » Sun May 08, 2016 8:06 am

I guess it will come down how things go this year and the vote at the AGM. The modern GP attendance has not been stellar and has not really met expectations but I hope that changes.
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