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Rider Profiles

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Rider Profiles

Postby Ian » Sat May 07, 2022 9:57 am

Code: Select all
Our track announcers only know the rider's name and number. To give them a little more information, and for your own moments of fame, please fill out a Rider Profile. Print it and bring to Registration with your other documents.
There are two formats available:

1. A fill-in form using Microsoft Word. It will format nicely and be easily readable for the announcer but it may not work on all devices. Look for "enable editing" in a yellow band across the top before giving up, though.

2. A form to print and fill in using a pen. Simple and bulletproof but remember: penmanship counts!

These are posted in the "Forms" section of the website as well.
Ian McQueen
VRRA Member
Posts: 305
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:39 pm
Location: London

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