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Registration Edits. Please contact

Information, announcements from/for the Executive. Schedule changes,upcoming events. If it's not CLUB business (public domain), it will be deleted!

Registration Edits. Please contact

Postby kirbster » Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:15 pm

Public service announcement. Registration Edits.

Any racers that have requested an edit of their entries- please send me a note as soon as possible with your requested changes. Registration will close Friday at noon.
Final edits will be done Friday afternoon so I can get the system primed and loaded for the Vintage Festival and get the schedule and rider information sheets finalized.
It’s crunch week for the executive and organizers.
Full speed ahead!

See you all in 10 days!
Kirby Crosby VRRA #252
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Posts: 1990
Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:22 pm

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