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Special for Hindle Exhaust for Tremblant

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:20 pm
by racerdude413
Ok i have wonderfull news for every one.

IF tremblant get confirmed... (so DO NOT call now)

North bay cycle and Hindle are prepared to offer a deal to help the VRRA meet noise restrictions.

1. 16 or 18 inch (2 inch inlet) STEALTH round Aluminium muffler (retail 250$)
2. Hindle Noise reducing insert (retail 40$)

240$ (tax in) + 10$ shipping if needed (saving of over 85$)

If and When Tremblant gets confirmed, Jody would take orders and do 1 big order thru North Bay cycle.
Jody said North Bay Cycle would also work with anyone that needs a 2 1/4 inlet or a mid pipe to make it fit to your bike.

Jody will not order a bunch of different Exhaust for everyone and their mothers, the deal from hindle is for the 2 parts i mentionned before and only to VRRA members signed up for Tremblant.

As you can see, people are hard at work trying to make this happen, so please show your support and sign up.

Re: Special for Hindle Exhaust for Tremblant

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:47 pm
by Neal Howes
So what are the two stroke guys supposed to there a FMF deal in the works?


Re: Special for Hindle Exhaust for Tremblant

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:16 pm
by racerdude413
I dont know anything about 2 strokes, but if you have an idea of a manufacturer that may have a universal pipe that could help the 2 stroke guys i will call and try to get you guys a deal....

Re: Special for Hindle Exhaust for Tremblant

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:33 pm
by Dewey
Neal.....just put this high tech device between motor and pipe....size as req'd. :wink:

Re: Special for Hindle Exhaust for Tremblant

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:41 pm
by Neal Howes
That ring should be used for something else. I'll need an extra large :roll:

Re: Special for Hindle Exhaust for Tremblant

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:35 pm
by autofobe
Neal,If the bleed tube(stinger) is moved inboard to the widest part of last cone,where it meets the belly.This will reduce the noise without reducing the power.


Re: Special for Hindle Exhaust for Tremblant

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:39 am
by Dave Jones
Bwaaaaaaaaaa........There I said it, but what if my '56 Electric Tosteroven Rapido has a lot of chain noise, and it twitches the needle of someone’s meter over the limit after dyno testing at full volts? Spending a grand for the gas to get there, entry, license, insurance and transponder rental just to find out is not on....Remember me? it has been a long time.... Dave#10