Review of the minutes of the AGM since 2006 will confirm the unrest among members.
Frustration,criticism of elected officials and generally abrasive harrassment was evident.
The so-called "old guard" was dominant throughout this time, while new and younger members resisted volunteering for election to an executive position.
The 30th Anniversary year offers a unique opportunity for new blood, members with energy, ambition and the desire to contribute to the continuing success of VRRA.
New and younger members; "stand for election now" let the old guard enjoy retirement,while soliciting their background knowledge and experience to support your drive and initiative.
Prepare the stage for the introduction of P5 in 2012, formulate the rules, study the impact of the increased entry upon our current race schedule and our race venues. Gain concensus and build teams necessary to execute the plan, ready for presentation and member vote at the AGM of 2012.
VRRA history and tradition is important and must be preserved, but to stand still is to go a lap down
18 days; 3 positions open, only two contenders to date. Join the fray,one entry does not constitute a race
Lead the way for change. Get your feet wet and good luck.
Look where you want to go, remember where you have been.