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On Bike Video Cameras

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On Bike Video Cameras

Postby Corey » Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:40 am

OK the wife wants to buy me one for Christmas, and I would like any input on what some of you are using. Pictures of the unit, pros and cons, and the "woulda-coulda-shoulda" info as well.

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Postby Peter Balfour » Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:14 pm

I just purchased a Hero camera in the fall and I found it to be a great camera for the money.

The video quality is good and it comes with a bunch of mounts. It works great on the helmet but the vibration from my old single race bike distorted the image too much to use mounted to the fairing. So mounting location is the most important consideration. It looks a bit geeky on the helmet but works well. The only other negative is you can't see what you just recorded since there is no screen. I would recommend the camera.

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Postby LA LA » Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:57 pm

Grabbed this

dvd quality with remote on and off..

used to shoot deals gap this year.. incredible.. only issue is wind noise


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Postby Corey » Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:02 pm

Peter Balfour wrote:I just purchased a Hero camera in the fall and I found it to be a great camera for the money.

The video quality is good and it comes with a bunch of mounts. It works great on the helmet but the vibration from my old single race bike distorted the image too much to use mounted to the fairing. So mounting location is the most important consideration. It looks a bit geeky on the helmet but works well. The only other negative is you can't see what you just recorded since there is no screen. I would recommend the camera.


Can you zoom in, or does it only come with a "fish eye" lense? Looked on the site, and didn't see options.

Thanks for both of your replies, but wind noise is a big concern of mine, as it's going on my bike.
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Postby Peter Balfour » Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:21 pm

The camera has no zoom function and I think wind noise will be an issue with any camera you choose unless you had a remote microphone placed out of the wind. You can spend a ton of money if you want with cameras but I figured I'll probably dump the bike at some point and take out the camara so a $180 camera will hurt less than a $1000 setup.

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Postby Corey » Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:23 pm

I hear you on that, but Brian Daigle will not allow me to "dump" his bike at the TT in June. :shock: Anyone tried wrapping a rag around the microphone, or dose it have one built in, and there's nothing that can be done to it?

Just asking...
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Postby LA LA » Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:29 pm

Built in microphone on the remote lens I taped over it and i thing a few more layers will cut of most of it.

the main camera has a optical zoom. and goes in a pouch that can be zipp tied to the triple clamp.


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Postby Corey » Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:01 pm

Thanks that's on my list.

I feel like a kid during Christmas. Wait, it's almost Christmas, and my wife says I still act like a kid, not the 43 years I am. :oops:
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Postby Brian FZR400 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:07 pm

I have the same camera (Samsung SC300XL) that Lawrence is talking about. This video was made using the remote mount with the microphone taped over (and the original is better quality without the Youtube data compression).
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video camera

Postby 83j » Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:38 am

I've got GO PRO HELMET HERO video cameras in stock and they work awewome...wide angle, 16mb expandable to2gb, 5megapixel, shock proof, waterproof, helmet mounts, gear mount, and a 3-way adjustable mount.
reg $239.......vrra $199 for more info.....
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