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For a Meer $100,000.00 Aus

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:04 pm
by McCallum RACING
City: Launceston
County: none
Country: Australia
Date Added: December 4, 2007
Manufacturer: Norton

Model: MANX

Engine: 500cc

Year: 1957

Price: $100,000 AUS ONO

Private Sale/Trader?: Private

500cc Manx Norton Sidecar in beautifull condition 1957 used a handfull of times Australian race history
If you would like to email the seller of this bike or view their telephone number (if listed), then please register first. This is necessary to reduce the risk of fraud - sorry for any inconvenience!


PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:33 am
by limy_1
Very Pretty!

Anyone have some spare change?