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Obvious Bribery

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Moderator: Michael Vinten

Obvious Bribery

Postby limy_1 » Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:33 pm

It looks like the modern racers are getting there act togeather to make
a showing at Mid-Ohio, I hope that the vintage racers are too.

Now if the deciding factor is you need a passanger, uhm :roll:
I seem to have an entry fee I mean gas money burning a hole in my pocket.

This offer goes to the first rig modern or vintage who can use my services
as you can see I am not opposed to bribery.

If you haven't been to Mid-O or were there last year here are some pictures that were taken by a friend.
Roger Preston
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Posts: 503
Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:52 am

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