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Vintage Sidecar Invitation

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 8:45 pm
by Michael Vinten
For many years the SRA included all sidecars. Prior to the VRRA having specific sidecar classes, the SRA attended many VRRA events which were part of the SRA series. 2018 is the 50th anniversary of the SRA and we hope to bring all sidecars together again by inviting vintage sidecars to our races. All P3 rigs are eligible for the SRA F3 class and P1 and P2 rigs are welcome as separate classes. All sidecars will practise and race together as they did for many years. Points will be awarded to all sidecar classes and Annual awards for each modern and vintage class will be given out at the AGM in accordance with SRA rules.

The SRA's only source of income is membership fees and try the track which we split 50/50 with the Rider's Safety Fund or the CRCA. Try the track depends on weather, where the sidecar practices and races are in the schedule and the time available. Our income pays for the Supershow booth, our web site, promotion of sidecar racing, annual trophies and our AGM. We voted in reduced membership fees for 2018 and 2019. Annual racing memberships with full voting rights will be $60. We hope that the number of members will increase to cover the drop in membership fees.

You will need a RACE licence. Best deal is to buy the RACE licence early, get the free track day and avoid the $15 RACE fee at VRRA events. The SRA techs all sidecars at your pit and provides grid sheets for the races. Our website at has a forum, our race schedule, SRA rules and other club information. The SRA will be at the Supershow, please drop in.

Posted on behalf of the SRA executive.

Re: Vintage Sidecar Invitation

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:26 am
by MGill
Thanks Mike. What’s the cutoff for early RACE membership price?

Re: Vintage Sidecar Invitation

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:51 am
by Colin Duncan
The cut off for RACE is usually the January show, so Sunday 7th.


Re: Vintage Sidecar Invitation

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:27 pm
by MGill
Then we will sign up at the show! Thanks Colin.