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Amazing Motorcycle Caliper Rebuild Service

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Amazing Motorcycle Caliper Rebuild Service

Postby moriarty » Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:05 pm

I just got my RZ350 FII calipers back from a local caliper rebuilder.

The guy is absolutly amazing.

I brought him my calipers and he popped out the pistons in seconds and sandblasted them for me, gave them back and I took them home to paint with PJ1 Brake caliper paint.

Brought them back to him the next day and he rebuilt them with BRAND NEW seals (He can get seals for everything) on both sides and pressure tested them and even put new bleed screws and gave me new copper banjo washers.

Because I did the painting myself, he only charged me $40.00 per caliper. If you want him to paint or powdercoat he can do that too.

The guys name is Galvin and he knows his shit. He does tons of stuff for vintage car guys all over North America so he's used to recieving stuff in the mail and sending them back out.

Midwest Caliper
140 Midwest Road, Scarborough, ON M1P 3B3
Telephone : 416-751-3660 ... 13520512ac
Posts: 89
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:13 pm
Location: Hamilton

Postby paul whittaker » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:33 am

I had some caliper pistons made to replace pitted GT750 pistons. made in a few days and chromed and shipped at about 2/3 the cost of genuine parts: which are amazingly still available. The only comment would be the machined groove on the open end for the dust seal was a bit sharp on the edge. Nice to know some one around can provide this service. Paul.
paul whittaker
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Postby graham bowers » Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:57 am

can he do trailer brake shoes? mine need new pads.

ps. old style riveted on.
graham bowers
Posts: 387
Joined: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:49 am
Location: oro stn

Postby gotmeacb350 » Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:07 pm

Took a Yamaha caliper today and he explained the whole thing to me.guy looks like a whiz..besides..he's only charging me $55 for a total and complete rebuild. that beats the $200 plus another garage was trying to charge me.
Posts: 525
Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:27 am

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