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Redesigned website

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 7:00 pm
by Ian
Great looking new site, Brian, and some innovations, too. Thank you; that was a lot of work and a tremendous contribution to the club.

Re: Redesigned website

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:14 am
by Brian Stevenson
Happy to do it.

The whole idea was to try and make it easy to on-board new members and to have Registration and Forms at your fingertips. Hopefully it works. Adding data should be really easy now as it has management interfaces for things like tracking sales and revenue, creating virtual or physical products like the Schools, adding calandar events, adding latest news, automatically posting to Facebook and Twitter, etc.

All contact is through forms so that should stop a lot of the spam to the execuitive email accounts.

There is a lot of other things that are not even exposed yet :)

Look out for new results and standings pages when we get into May.

The new backend framework is really easy to tweak now so we can add new stuff in a matter of minuites.

I actually had a lot of fun doing it