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Next Season

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 4:28 pm
by 100

In an attempt to keep vintage bikes visible and ridable within the club and to continue to promote the great racing and spectacle these bikes bring I would like to propose a new category within the current structure.

I would name this the ‘Constructors Championship’. It is a loose play on the actual owners of the motorcycle. As we have read on the forum/Facebook page there are many bikes no longer being raced by the owners due to various life factors but if we were to offer them recognition as ‘Constructors’ (owners) of these bikes and perhaps an incentive would allow them to find willing candidates to ride theses bikes in their stead and get them out of the garages and workshops.

Obviously the club is in a bit of a revamp/building so a large monetary amount is not feasible but to get the ball rolling maybe a free one time first entry for new Constructor (owner) and year end trophy if the ‘Constructors Championship’ is given a trial run next season.

The emphasis of this is to Acknowledge the Constructor (owner) who would maintain the bike and attend the races and the rider would be secondary(ish) (examples, Mike Vinten, Gunther Schwartz, Allan Lylloff). Points could be awarded on the finish in the class the bike runs P1, P2, P3 so a first place in any period garners the same number of points and to keep it fair an additional points category giving older bikes and/or overall fit and finish of the bike giving additional points. (rough structure).

Just spit-balling a bit and putting a suggestion out there.


Re: Next Season

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:56 am
by aly393
I have been doing this for the past 10 years

Allan Lylloff #10

Re: Next Season

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:16 am
by 100
Hi Allan

Do you think pushing this to the forefront and giving the owners more recognition might get a few more bikes on the grid ?

Any suggestions from your experience ?


Re: Next Season

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:28 am
by Brian Stevenson
I like this idea.

They do this in CMRC and it was done simply as a way to get classic machines back out on the track where the owner no longer felt comfortable or motivated to ride them. It did pull a lot of younger people into the earlier classes where they didn't initially have the skills, patience or wherewithall to build and maintain a vintage bike.

Limiting it to classic and some post classic (e.g. P1-P3) may help boost some of the numbers in these classes. I know at least 3 P1 bikes that the owners would never sell but they are sitting in the garage.

Re: Next Season

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:44 am
by ericpritchard
Interesting idea. I'm ready to provide a P1 250 if the suggestion takes off.

Re: Next Season

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:56 pm
by Pascal B.
I love the idea of getting more recognition to the owners (and generally mechanics) behind the bikes. As I often say, riding it is the easy part!

Re: Next Season

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 12:46 pm
by racerchris46
I can say I wouldn't have been riding the last 3-4 years if not for the kindness and generosity of others providing bikes for me to ride. I haven't had the financial capacity or time to get my own bikes back together.

thanks to these guys below !!

Rick Howard and his brother Hank (RD350)
Allan Lyloff (the P1-350 Yam beast)
Rick's neighbor Frank Boumann (FZR600 endurance bike)
Gary McCaw (Duc 350 this weekend-very exciting)

Re: Next Season

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:46 pm
by Paul Brubaker
Without the support of Roger McHardy there would be many seasons I would not have been able to compete.

Surely Roger must be one of the early VRRA Constructors. His bikes raced by Gary McCaw, Paul Bowyer, David Cote and others. I know he has been doing it for 6 + decades.

Roger a Constructor for the Isle of Mann TT in the 70's, the McHardy Triton (Triumph) was a replica of that very bike. The replica still raced with the VRRA, the original might get rebuilt back in Scotland.

It is a special gift for someone to build and prep a race bike, then entrust it to another to race it.

Thanks Roger and other Constructors, the VRRA would be a shadow of its self without your support.

Some official VRRA recognition of constructors would be great.

Re: Next Season

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:09 am
by ericpritchard
Hear, hear.