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Nomination / Election of Vice President andTreasurer 2024

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Moderator: Michael Vinten

Nomination / Election of Vice President andTreasurer 2024

Postby Doug Forbes » Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:22 am

There were no new Nominations received that were postmarked by Sept.11th .
I can now officially announce that we had one nomination for the position of Treasurer and one nomination for the position of Vice President.
Our Constitution states..... "24. Elected officers may be acclaimed for lack of
competing nominations."
There will be no vote required by our membership for our 2024/2025 Treasurer and Vice President,both are Acclaimed.
As the VRRA Returning Officer I get to be the first to thank Janice Legere and William K Deragon for stepping forward and commiting to help lead our club as our Treasurer and Vice President for the next two years.

Doug Forbes
Returning Officer
Doug Forbes
VRRA Member
Posts: 355
Joined: Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:09 pm

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