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Am-Can Vintage Road Racing Championship Proposal

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Am-Can Vintage Road Racing Championship Proposal

Postby yamaholly » Mon Nov 04, 2024 12:35 pm

One of the things I brought to the table at the 2024 AGM was the proposal for an Am-Can series, partnering the VRRA and AHRMA. I was able to give a quick synopsis of the idea, but we didn't get a chance to discuss. As such, here is the proposal for you all to peruse and add your input / state your interest. It would be great to know how interested members are, so we can take this to AHRMA and, (hopefully) get this ball rolling.

Am-Can Vintage Road Racing Championship Proposal

Goals of the proposed program:

1/ Increase membership, race entries, and revenue for both the VRRA and AHRMA

2/ Promote camaraderie between the clubs and members

3/ Expose racers from both organizations to well-run events at desirable facilities

How it would work (first draft, open for suggestions/revisions)

VRRA / AHRMA organization races qualify.

2 rider team. 1 Canadian and 1 USA rider. Declared at the start of the season but teams could form throughout the season. We could either have folks create their own team or throw everyone's name in a hat and draw random teams. I personally think it would be better if we let the racers develop their own team, as it creates a sense of commitment. Could facilitate a ‘match-maker’ service online. Open to solo riders and sidecar teams.

Points based on a total of 6 races. 3 Canadian VRRA and 3 USA AHRMA. Any race qualifies.

Riders must attend a minimum of 2 races in their non-resident country to qualify for the series championship. Obviously if a team wants to win and get maximum points then attending all 3 races with VRRA / AHRMA is a necessity.

Any and all VRRA / AHRMA race classes would count. Don’t want to limit it to a vintage-only series. How the points score: TBD.

No additional cost to log the races for this series. No prize money either, just year-end awards and bragging rights.

It would be really cool to make Barber a must-attend USA event. The awards ceremony could be there since it will be the last RR of the year. Open to suggestions.

We could get some nice trophies and possibly some vendors to donate some awards, set of tires, voucher $ for items like gloves, helmets, fuel, things like that. Keeping in mind we have access to US sponsors as well as Canadian for the benefit of this series.
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Re: Am-Can Vintage Road Racing Championship Proposal

Postby Fineline283 » Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:35 pm

I like the sounds of this. Could be something cool and a way to bring more racers to the club. The "match-maker" idea isn't a terrible idea either, opens the door for people who are interested in competing but don't have any American contacts and vise versa to form a team.
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