Post Vintage rules are posted on the web page under downloads. First three generations of SV650 are eligible. Post Vintage bikes can also run in Endurance and Open Senior.
Revised rules for Post Vintage Invitational, with the addition of 750 cc 4 Cylinder bikes and split into two classes are now published. VRRA Modern Lightweight rules also published. These differ slightly from previous years when we used Super Series rules. These rules are similar to CSBK and focus o...
Not sure where the quote is from. The AHMRA rules for the Phillip Island class have a lower limit of 700cc for 2 valve, 4 valve or twin cylinders. Two strokes are allowed and can be water or air cooled.
Looking back through the records available, only the 1982 VF750F was allowed in the P3. My understanding is that the bike was not considered P3 when the rules were developed because it was not available in Canada. The shaft drive Magna 750 was eligible since it was available in Canada. A later rule ...
The reality is lots of tires get changed and other work done on bikes after tech. The onus is on the rider to ensure that the bike is properly prepared for the track after the work. In your case we know you are changing tires before going on the track. We will note it on your tech sheet that you wil...
The question was raised late last year as to whether remote master cylinders can be used in P3. Axial master cylinders with remote reservoirs have been fitted to some P3 bikes over the years. I went back through the tech committee forum and emails and found no clarifications for or against. The P2 a...
The revised rulebook is now posted on the web site under Forms. Changes from the 2023 version are listed on page 3. Parts A and B were ready by February. Part C changes including handicaps were the cause of the delay.
Three members of the executive voted yes. I had not voted yet. The request for a vote was emailed to the exec at 2:30 and the "results" announced at 5:44. The real results are 3 in favour, 2 unknown.
After much discussion a 1% bonus was agreed for P3 classes. The 1% was my error as I read the current handicap for SMP for P3L (1.077) and rounded the .077 to 1.01 when in fact it is 1.10. Sorry Michael. Just to confirm as this confused the hell out of me when I was talking to Doug Andrich about it...
The original proposal was to remove handicaps for P3, P4 and P5. I am against removing handicaps. The same team and tactics should always be faster on a later period bike. The exec meeting when we discussed the endurance proposal, among other items, was over 2 hours long. After much discussion a 1% ...
The wording of the second sentence is clumsy as it contains two items. It should be broken into two. Air fittings to charge are allowed however no adjustments on damping are allowed. As to aluminum, I do not know if it was used in Period 2 but other than weight I see no technical advantage. So alumi...